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Consumer Goods CRM: Customer 360° view to connect with the customer

The 360° customer view has become critical for the consumer goods sector.

As digitalization has added more competition to the marketplace, knowledge of customer preferences in real time has become indispensable to better connect and provide a unique shopping experience. 

Salesforce CRM allows you to build complete profiles that better capture knowledge and facilitate connection with the end consumer, key to making them fall in love with your brand.


Complete customer profiles to build loyalty

The growing concentration in the commercial sector and digitization of processes in the consumer goods industry imply new challenges, for both traditional retail, manufacturers and new digital businesses.

The pandemic has increased the need to invest in processes and digital channels that help to have a 360° customer vision in real time. 

However, the great challenge the consumer industry faces is to be able to know your end consumer. In many cases, there is no access to the buyer’s profile data, which hinders the objective of having a complete view of the buyer’s profile and what they demand. Salesforce solutions with analytics and data collection capabilities are able to overcome these barriers.

Due to global competition and the ease of access to any supplier, consumers are more demanding in terms of experience and are more likely to abandon brands if their expectations are not met. Therefore, companies need to reinvent themselves and find ways to create a successful and personalized customer experience to drive business and ensure consumer loyalty.


Market leading CRM to pool data and achieve a 360° customer view

The consumer goods sector is experiencing an accelerated digital transformation in which different tools and solutions are emerging to serve consumers in a market that is increasingly oriented toward the B2B2C business model. In this context, a strong CRM becomes the best ally to unify all teams, sales, customer service and marketing, as well as production.

Salesforce CRM solutions are ushering in and advancing a new industrial revolution, driven by the need to deliver products faster and get closer to consumers in line with their preferences. As consumer goods companies discover how to offer innovative and exciting consumer products to their customers, the expectations of companies and consumers are at an all-time high. These needs are precisely what brought some of our clients, such as Zamora Company, to engage with S4G in their innovation process.

Our experience and knowledge of the Salesforce solution ecosystem allows us to add value to your business through B2C and B2B ecommerce solutions and digitization of ordering processes (B2B Commerce Cloud), loyalty programs and omnichannel marketing tools (Marketing Cloud or Pardot), connecting manufacturers, distributors and clients (Consumer Goods Cloud)… Each of them aimed to  drastically improve the 360° view of the consumer and to leverage this knowledge across all processes (sales, marketing, service, service, commerce) to help retailers drive sales, profitability and customer loyalty.


Zamora Company: Customer 360 view with Marketing Cloud

Consumer Goods Cloud or how to know your end consumer

Cafés Candelas: Digitalization 360 in the HORECA channel

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